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This mobile application is the first mobile game based on real life driving. Users are rewarded for safe driving by collecting offers and opportunities to win great prizes from our corporate partners. Powerful data is collected and provides deep insights to businesses, municipal planners, safety organizations and many other stakeholders.

The first digital program to help parents and guardians of new drivers effectively supervise their teens "practice driving". Our easy to use learning platform is supplemented by automated emails, newsletters and member-only information sites for a submersive learning experience. Together with great driving school partners we can create safer young drivers.

For professional drivers, SureDriver has been designed to challenge drivers to be better than their colleagues and be rewarded by their company for driving responsibly. Our technology can be used as a standalone or integrated with any of the top fleet management or telematics solutions. Provides deeper insights to policy makers and management on real driver behavior while providing an opportunity to engage and reward their drivers for driving safely.

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